Wednesday, September 12, 2007

One reason you should really think before getting that tattoo..

...because someday you might be a thirty-something soccer mom type complete with the "new mom bob"** wheeling your newborn around a local lake in your de rigeur Phil & Ted stroller in your perfectly matched workout outfit and that barbed wire bicep tat might just look really odd and some innocent person walking past you might just choke on her iced green tea as she does a quick double take...

**you know what I'm talking about- the seemingly vast majority of pregnant women/new moms are hit with the urge to chop off all their hair, heck, I just cut mine... but it is NOT the new mom bob... shoulder length with razored edges thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

Okay, so where is the photo of the new mom bob?

mama k said...

whatever you need to tell yourself. LOL

Anonymous said...

the first thing I thought of when I read this? Everclear's "Volvo Driving Soccer Mom"