Of the 32 projects I've finished this year, a full 12 have been hats (that's 37.5% for those of you who are into math). You might think 12 hats is a full complement for a year. It is after all, one hat per month.
But no.
I have EIGHT (!!!!!!!) more on the needles. There is no other single category of knit items that even comes close to the dominance of the hats. Mitts are a distant second with 3 FO's and 4 WIPs. Or, if I combine scarves & cowls for a Neckwear category I have 2 Fo's and 7 WIPs.
Doesn't really matter. In my world of knitting, Hats Rule.
Ergo, I am a Hatter.
Who knew?
Still with me or did I drive you away with such minutia?
At any rate, I guess I like knitting hats. My kids certainly like wearing them:

Nottingham, Size Medium (Child)
Emerald Blue Malabrigo Merino Worsted
Size 6 Addi Turbos and Prym dpns

Toddler Republic Hat
Blue Surf Malabrigo Merino Worsted
Size 6 Addi Turbos and Prym dpns
I did cast on an extra ten stitches for the Republic hat as I was worried about it being to small.
The kiddos like them well enough. Now to put them away until it's hat season again.
So that's all the knitting for now. I also finished a square for a wedding blanket I am contributing to but I let it leave the house without taking a picture, oh well.
I need to work out some kind of balance between the sewing and knitting. As I do more sewing I get antsy about the knitting I'm not doing. Maybe once the shop is a bit more established I'll be better able to strike that balance.
In the meantime I've made bunches of zippered pouches like these:

And today I added a whole new bag style to the shop.

More of these project bags to come as the weekend progresses.
Until next time, enjoy the long weekend and have a fun (and safe) Memorial Day.
Oh, and, Happy Birthday Todd!!! (a day early but he doesn't read this blog anyway... but just in case...)
The hats look great on the kids. And I just LOVE those new bags.... :)
Happy Birthday Todd!!
cute hats and kids and bags. i love the fabrics, they are sweet. on the crib front, everything calmed down pretty quickly once we spent some time talking about beds and rooms and bed time. but it looks like a double bed will be in order as we keep finding owen next to mason's crib on the floor mattress. always something. :) cheesy but i might start thinking of you as the mad hatter....we were just at disneyland, fairytales on the mind
With kids that cute I'd be knitting hats all the time too! :)
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